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2023-09-16 19:12:59
今天小编为大家分享生活中的小常识、日常问题解答等相关内容,希望能够帮助大家。1、一个解码:由“安”演变而来,而“”就像汉字“了”。联想记忆:阿安来详细解释一下:第一个字“A”在笔名下发音。在思考这句话的时候,大脑只需要提取“安”字,在“安”字稍微变形之后,2、You can get hiragana "ah" right away; After the word "le" is slightly deformed, you can get katakana. Decoding: "Yi" evolved



2、You can get hiragana "ah" right away; After the word "le" is slightly deformed, you can get katakana. Decoding: "Yi" evolved from "Yi", and the shape of "Yi" is like the Chinese character "Man". Associative memory: convince people by reasoning details: the first word "yi" is pronounced under a pseudonym.

3、When I think of the common word "convince people by reasoning", it is easy to think of the pronunciation of "Yi". At the same time, I extract the word "Yi" and modify it accordingly to get the pseudonym "Hao". U decoding: "" and "" both evolved from the Chinese character "Yu".

4、Associative memory: the roof looks at the universe. Details: "House" is pronounced under a pseudonym. Extract the word "Yu", remove the word "Yu" under the word "Yu", and slightly transform the word "Mi" under the pole to get the pseudonym. E-E decoding: "Ai" is like Chinese character "Yuan", and "Ai" can be used as the memory of Chinese character "Gong".


6、E-E decoding: "Ai" is like Chinese character "Yuan", and "Ai" can be used as the memory of Chinese character "Gong". Associative memory: falling in love with the Fuehrer's work details: the first word "love" is pronounced under a pseudonym. When you think about this sentence, you can extract the word "Yuan Gong" and variant the word "Yuan" to get the hiragana "En" and "Gong" is the hiragana "Ai".

7、Cracking: "" like Chinese characters "Qiu" and "" can be remembered as Chinese characters "Cai". Associative memory: Olympic talent seeking detailed explanation: "Ao" is a pseudonym pronunciation. It is easy to understand the memory of "seeking talents in the Olympic Games". After extracting the word "seeking talents" and changing it, we can get a pseudonym.

8、Crack: "Jia" evolved from "Jia", which is similar to the Chinese character "Li". Associative memory: (for) truck afterburner Details: "Card" is pronounced under a pseudonym. Extract the word "afterburner" and transform it into a pseudonym.

9、Ki 解码:“”和“”与汉字“风”相似,变形时要运用想象力。联想记忆:Key丰衣足食。详细解释:“钥匙”是假名发音。“风”字的变形需要特别的想象力。“丰度”的第三个横向变化,



12、After deformation, hiragana "" can be obtained; The "well" is transformed into the katakana "Sa" by removing a horizontal line. Cracking: both "Shu" and "Shu" evolved from the Chinese character "Zhi". Associative memory: Wang Xizhi's details: "Wang Xizhi" is a famous calligrapher in ancient China, known as "the book sage".

13、"Xi" is pronounced under a pseudonym. Extract "Zhi" and imagine that the general can get the pseudonym "Zhi " after deformation. Cracking: evolved from the Chinese character , and the Chinese character is similar to . Associative memory: details of the reunion of four village heads after a long separation: "four" is pronounced under a pseudonym.

14、After extracting the word "Cunjiu" and transforming the word "Cunjiu", you can get the "" of Hiragana, and the "奮" in the middle is its unique mark which is easy to remember. You can get the katakana "" immediately after you remove the first stroke of "Jiu". Crack: both "pseudo" and "pseudo" have evolved from the Chinese character "Shi".

15、Associative memory: A detailed explanation of the racing world: "Race" is pronounced under a pseudonym. Extract "Shi", remove the last stroke, and you can get Hiragana "False" after deformation; On the basis of "false", it is easy to get the katakana "plug". So decoding: the deformation of the number "3" with similar appearance,



18、You can get hiragana after deformation; Keep the word "Duo" in the upper part, and you can get the hiragana "Tata". Chi chi cracked: "chi" imitates the chinese character "Gu" and "Chi" imitates the Chinese character "Qian". Associative memory: detailed explanation of Millennium artifacts: "Qi" is pronounced under a pseudonym. Mention the word "ancient thousand",

19、The key variant of "Gu" is the word "Kou", after which Hiragana "Di" can be obtained. The katakana "" can be obtained by slightly changing the word "thousand". Tsu decoding: "" and "" evolved from the Chinese character "Chuan". Associative memory: 3 pungent Sichuan dishes Details: "Sting" is a pseudonym pronunciation.

20、提取“3 川”两字,把“3”去掉下部,可轻松得到平假名“”;“川”字也容易变形为片假名“”。te  破解:“”可由数字“7”变形而来,“”可由汉字“元”变形。

21、联想记忆:台历7元详解:“台”是假名发音。提取“7 元”两字,将“7”稍加变形,即可得平假名“”;“元”去掉最后一笔,可得到片假名“”。to  破解:“”可由数字“丫”变形而来,


23、na  破解:“ ”均由汉字“奈”演变而来。联想记忆:那般奈何详解:“那”是假名发音。提取“奈”,将“奈”的下部扭一下,变形后可得平假名“”;“”;保留“奈”的开始两笔,即得片假名“”。

24、ni  破解:“”由汉字“仁”演变而来;“”由汉字“二”演变而来联想记忆:泥人(仁)详解:“泥”是假名发音。采取了同音字联想,由“人”想到“仁慈”的“仁”,将“仁”稍加变形,

25、可得平假名“”;保留“仁”右部,可得片假名“”。nu  破解:“ ”均由汉字“奴”演变而来。联想记忆:奴才详解:“奴”是假名发音。提取“奴”,将“奴”稍加变形,

26、可得到平假名“”;保留“奴”右部,可得片假名“”。ne  破解:“”可由汉字“打”变形而来;“”似汉字“衣”。联想记忆:奶奶打衣裳(上海方言)详解:“奶”是假名发音。提取“打衣”,


28、no  破解:“ ”均由汉字“乃”演变而来。联想记忆:(乃)奶奶怕闹详解:“闹”是假名发音。“奶”与“乃”采用的是同音字联想,“乃”变形后可得平假名“”;保留“乃”的“丿”,

29、即得片假名“”。ha  破解:“”由汉字“波”演变而来;“”由汉字“八”演变而来。联想记忆:哈利波特与八哥详解:“哈”是假名发音。提取“波八”两字,“波”重点变化右部,

30、变形后可得平假名“”;“八”直接得片假名“”。hi  破解:“ ”均由汉字“比”演变而来。联想记忆:黑夜比武详解:“黑”是假名发音。提取“比”,

31、将“比”变形后可得到平假名“”;将“匕”稍加变化,即得片假名“”。fu  破解:“ ”均由汉字“不”演变而来。联想记忆:服不服详解:“服”是假名发音。提取“不”,将“一”与下部分来,

32、变形后可得到平假名“”;取“不”的第一、第二笔,变形后可得片假名“”。he  破解:“”可由数字“7”变形得到。联想记忆:海角7号(海角七号)详解:“海”是假名发音。提取“7”,

33、变形后可得到假名“ ”。ho  破解:“ ”均由汉字“保”演变而来。联想记忆:好好环保详解:“好”是假名发音。提取“保”,“保”重点变化右部,



36、mo  破解:“ ”均是由汉字“毛”演变而来。联想记忆:毛毛雨详解:“毛”是假名发音。提取“毛”,将“毛”第一笔去掉,第三横变短,变化后即得平假名“”;去掉“毛”第三横,

37、变化后即为片假名“”。ya  破解:“ ”均由汉字“也”演变而来。联想记忆:亚军也好详解:“亚”是假名发音。提取“也”,将“也”稍加变形后,可得到平假名“”和片假名“”。

38、yu  破解:“”由汉字“由”演变而来;“”似数字“2”。联想记忆:由于2手详解:“由”是假名发音。提取“由2”两字,“由”字变形后可得到平假名“”;将“2”稍加变化,即得片假名“”。

39、yo  破解:“ ”均是由汉字“与”演变而来。联想记忆:要求与会详解:“要”是假名发音。提取“与”,变换“与”下部,可得到平假名“”;将“与”作整体变化,可得到片假名“”。

40、ra  破解:“”似汉字“5”;“”可由汉字“文”变形而来。联想记忆:辣椒5文钱详解:“辣”是假名发音。提取“5 文”两字,“5”稍加变化,很容易得到平假名“”;“文”去掉最后一笔,

41、变形后即得片假名“”。ri  破解:“ ”均是由汉字“利”演变而来。联想记忆:利弊详解:“利”是假名发音。提取“利”,保留“利”的右部,变形后很容易得到平假名“”和片假名“”。

42、ru  破解:“”似数字“3”;“”似汉字“儿”。联想记忆:陆家有3儿详解:“陆”是假名发音。提取“3 儿”,“3”变形后可得到平假名“”;将“儿”稍加变形,即得到片假名“”。

43、re  破解:“ ”均由汉字“礼”演变而来。联想记忆:礼尚往来详解:“来”是假名发音。提取“礼”,重点变化“礼”左边,变形后得平假名“”;保留“礼”右边,将其变形后可得到片假名“”。

44、ro  破解:“”似数字“3”;“”像汉字“口”。联想记忆:老3口才好详解:“老”是假名发音。提取“3 口”,“3”变形后可得到平假名“”;将“口”稍加变形,可得到片假名“”。

45、n  破解:“”似字母“h”;“”像汉字“二”。联想记忆:Hans二人详解:“Hans”(汉斯)中的“n”是假名发音。提取“H(h) 二”,








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